Things To Know Before Property Registration In Telangana


Are you trying for property registration in Telangana? Then, you need to register on some registration desks that the Telangana government operates.

Telangana is a perfect and safe place to reside in; its climate is very suitable for individuals who want to do property registration there.

For property registration in Telangana, both the buyer and the seller have to visit the sub-registrar office for official paperwork. And when you are done with all the official formalities, you can register property in Telangana.

So, if you are looking for property registration in Telangana, you are searching for the right place to live in.

The online process for the preparation of documents:

  • The client needs to set up the archive to be enrolled utilizing the Public Data Entry framework and then transfer required reports. 
  • At that point, the client needs to make an online payment and then book a slot for enrolling on the report. 
  • The client then needs to go to the Sub-Registrar office as per the opening booked and present the report. 

Strategy at Sub-Registrar Office 

  • The client then needs to go to the Sub-Registrar Office with the archive that needs to be enrolled. 
  • Then the Official at the SR office readies a check slip dependent on the subtleties given. However, PDE rolls out fundamental improvements whenever required. 
  • After an endless supply of check slips, E-KYC is led, where fingerprints of the enrolling parties are gathered and confirmed against the Aadhar data set. 
  • After checking of Aadhar, instalment of stamp obligation, enlistment of charges, and other essential expenses are confirmed, then the checking challan is given. 
  • Upon effectively checking of installment, supports are imprinted on the report being enlisted. 
  • Then the documents are enrolled by Sub-Registrar by giving Document number, and a thumb impression of the gatherings is gathered. 
  • After that step, the enlisted archive will then, at that point, be examined and transferred to the gateway, which the client can download from the entry. 
  • If there will be an occurrence of confirmation being ineffective, the candidate will be coordinated to roll out vital improvements and re-present the application. 

Documents needed for property registration in Telangana 

For registration of property in Telangana, the purchaser needs to transfer every one of the reports online on the entryway prior to visiting the sub-enlistment center’s office available to be purchased deed enrollment. The archives required are: 

  • All the original documents with signatures on them. 
  • Encumbrance certification. 
  • Money or demand draft/bank challan of instalment of full stamp obligation. 
  • Property card 
  • Segment 32A photograph type of executants and witnesses. 
  • Character verification of the purchaser, merchant, and witnesses. 
  • PAN card
  • Power of attorney.
  • Aadhaar card. 
  • Address confirmation of the purchaser and merchant. 
  • Photo of the property’s outside. 
  • Pattadar passbook for horticultural land. 

The above 12 documents are required for property registration in Telangana.

Gatherings to deal deed: The deal deed ought to have the names, ages, and addresses of gatherings engaged with the exchange. The deed ought to be appropriately endorsed by every one of the gatherings. 

Depiction of the property is set: The property in substance ought to be plainly referenced in the deal deed. It ought to have the full description of the property, including the ID number, plot region, area, and so forth. 

 Ownership status and date: The deed ought to likewise refer to when the enduring property is moved to the merchant. There should be a notice of the actual date of ownership. 

Repayment proviso: The deal deed ought to have a reimbursement condition, which implies the dealer is at risk to bear every one of the legal charges, including local charges, power charges, water bills, and any remaining charges according to the property before the deal deed is executed. 


For property registration in Telangana, you need to complete some formalities. When you are done with all the documentation process, you can successfully complete property registration in Telangana state.

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